3 Factors to Consider When You Can’t Decide Between Owning a New or Used Truck

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Automotive

Need trucks for your business but don’t know if you should own a new one or go with a used truck? Here are 3 factors to help you decide:


Used trucks are so much more cost-effective. If you’re just starting a business, then it makes sense to go with preowned trucks. Just look around until you find used commercial truck sales in Texas that suit your budget. However, if you have the capital to invest in a fleet and your business is stable enough, then shopping for shiny, brand-new trucks should go on top of your list.


New trucks, especially when they’re from reliable companies, are often always a good bet when it comes to quality and performance. However, used trucks can be a mixed bag when it comes to quality. That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find a good deal. It’ll take you time and you’ll need to put in the research. But sooner or later, you should find quality options perfect for your budget and needs. Just remember never to compromise on quality, though.


When it comes to new trucks, you’ll find a lot to choose from. Looking for used trucks that fit certain specifications, though, might need a bit more time. Still, the IHS Automotive says sales for medium along with heavy duty vehicles were at their second highest in 10 years, with forecasts for growth in 2016. Given the news, it’s not a surprise to hear about the increase in used commercial truck sales in Texas. That increase—and growing demand—is likely going to open up more options in the industry. So you should have an easier time finding the kind of used truck to buy for your business.

Depending on your budget and needs, either used trucks or new ones will do for you. So make up your mind which one makes more practical sense for your company at this point.

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