In most cases, your dentist will try to save your decayed tooth with a drill and fill or root canal procedure. If the tooth is too far decayed, your only option may be a tooth removal in Port Orange. If you do need an extraction, there are a few things you can do to help the procedure and your recovery go more smoothly.
Minimize Distractions
You can help the extraction go more smoothly by minimizing distractions to the dentist and their staff. This means leaving jewelry and contact lenses at home. You should also avoid wearing dark lipstick or any type of fragrance. These affectations can make it more difficult for your dentist to focus since they may have allergies that you don’t know about.
Avoid Eating or Drinking
A tooth extraction is similar to any other type of surgery since it may require administering anesthesia. For this reason, it’s important to avoid consuming anything that might cause nausea or vomiting. You can drink water, but you should avoid consuming anything else for the 12 hours before your procedure.
Plan Your Ride
Even after the anesthesia wears off, you’ll feel groggy or disoriented after a tooth removal in Port Orange. You will need someone to give you a ride home after the procedure, and many dental offices won’t let a patient go without someone present to drive them home. Ideally, choose someone who can sit with you at home for an hour or two after the surgery.
You can take better care of your smile with the help of Cardinal Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates by visiting them online at web.