4 Reasons To Visit An Optometrist In Loveland CO Every Year

by | Mar 7, 2017 | Optometrist

Some people will wait to visit an Optometrist in Loveland CO until there is something wrong with their vision. This is a mistake. An individual should see an optometrist once a year whether they are having a problem or not. There are several reasons that regular eye exams are very important.

Vision Loss Can Occur Slowly

When a person starts losing their vision, it can happen gradually. It can happen so slow that the individual may not even realize that their vision has gotten worse and that they might need glasses. When a person goes to the optometrist every year, they will know if they are having issues with their vision and the problem can be treated quickly.

Update Glasses and Contact Lens Prescriptions

If a person wears glasses or contact lenses, they should see the optometrist each year to see if there has been a change in their prescription. If the individual were to run out of contact lenses or if they lose their glasses, most manufacturers and distributors won’t order new contacts or make a new pair of glasses without a current prescription. Regular visits to the optometrist will ensure an updated prescription is always on file.

Many Eye Diseases Have No Early Symptoms

Eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts can all have an effect on your vision. In some cases, the conditions develop so gradually that the individual doesn’t even realize that their vision has gotten worse. These are all conditions that would be caught during a yearly exam. The sooner they are caught, the sooner they can be treated. Early detection is extremely important.

Medical Conditions Can Be Caught During an Eye Exam

There are serious medical conditions that can be caught during an eye exam even before the individual’s primary care physician could catch the problem. Some of these conditions include diabetes, certain types of cancer, brain tumors, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. With each of these conditions, early detection could be a matter of life and death.

It is important to visit an Optometrist in Loveland CO every year. For more information, contact Vision Eyeland Super Optical, LLC

Connect with Vision Eyeland Super Optical, LLC on Google+ for more information!

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