6 Ways to Enhance Your Turning Operation

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Machine

If you perform a lot of turning in your shop, you could end up with a great deal of waste and it may take longer to complete some tasks than you originally planned on. However, there are things you can do to improve efficiency and enhance a turning operation. Here are six tips designed to help you get more from your business.

1. Check Shop Coolants

The kinds of coolants you use can make a difference, especially if you are using less than 18 percent solutions. Some processes require more cooling capacity and this can increase your machine and tool lives, by limiting wear and tear.

2. Reorganize

Tour your shop to check efficiency. For example, your machinists may need to travel a substantial distance just to get the right tools. Why not organize the shop so people have to do less walking and searching during the day? This can greatly reduce the time it takes for operations, especially re-tooling procedures.

3. Fire Suppression Equipment

Some turning operations create sparks and can present a fire hazard. This is especially true when you use a flammable substance like oil for the coolant. If there is a fire extinguisher handy, the machinist can easily stop a fire and prevent a great deal of damage. However, make sure everyone is properly trained in how to use fire suppression equipment and in the basics of fire safety and prevention.

4. Consider Material Movement

Do some products require more than one machine? Maybe these machines can be set up to be in close proximity. This can help to lessen the time it takes to perform all the necessary operations. It may take some time and resources to relocate, but this can greatly increase efficiency.

5. Clean Up After Each Procedure

Most shops perform cleaning at the end of the shift, but this may not be sufficient. A clean operation is not only efficient, it is much safer. For example, it is never good to allow a lot of metal shavings to accumulate. Also, there should be ample waste bins to make sure all debris is constantly picked up and disposed of. In fact, it may be a good idea to add more containers.

6. Consider a Partner

Are you thinking about a new idea or product and developing a prototype? Maybe you don’t have the right kind of CNC machine or turning operation for a customer order. Working with another machine shop can greatly increase your business and customer satisfaction.

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