7 Common Reasons for Auto Repair in Poulsbo WA

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Autos Repair

Automobiles are complex machines, and many things can go wrong. However, shops that handle Auto Repair in Poulsbo WA see some problems on a regular basis. The repairs listed in this guide may be avoidable if a driver properly maintains his or her vehicle according to manufacturer recommendations.

Brake Jobs

The brake system is behind some of the most common auto repairs. Parts such as brake pads are designed to wear out, and as such, they must be replaced regularly. Other repairs, such as drum, disc or rotor replacement, come with higher costs, but brake lines seldom need repairs unless they are cut or damaged.

Oil Changes

Cars should have oil changes every several thousand miles to keep them in good working order. Regular oil changes can increase engine life, and complete service records that show these oil changes can be a strong selling point for a vehicle.

Coolant Systems

Cooling system and radiator flushes are in this category. Such repairs can range from relatively inexpensive to extremely costly, depending on the nature and the extent of the problem.

New Tires

Tires can fail or leak for numerous reasons, and in many cases, patching or replacement is necessary. Sidewalls can split, and tread can pick up nails and other sharp objects. While repairs are inexpensive, replacing tires can get costly.

Ignition Systems

The ignition, battery, and starter are all included in this category. Battery charging and repairs are usually simple, and replacement batteries are available in a variety of price points. If a starter needs repair or replacement, the job’s cost can increase.

Electrical Systems

Problems here can include minor issues such as blown bulbs and fuses, but they can also be serious. Where serious electrical problems are concerned, it’s best to take a car in for professional Auto Repair in Poulsbo WA.


The transmission on a vehicle has hundreds of moving parts, and repairs can be costly and complex. In most cases, drivers should bring the car in for service when there’s a transmission problem. Repairs are a simple fact of life, but with proper maintenance at a local shop, drivers can minimize the frequency and cost of repairs.

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