7 Excellent Reasons Your Child Should Attend Preschool

by | Sep 27, 2018 | Preschool

A quality preschool education is so important for a child’s development both in an educational sense and also in a social sense. It can provide a solid foundation for success that will follow the child throughout their school career. At TCLA Preschool and Enrichment Center, we are committed to providing a quality preschool environment that nurtures learning. Here are seven reasons we think a child should start their school career in a preschool program.

  1. It promotes development socially and emotionally. A child needs to learn how to spend a portion of their time away from mom or dad, but a very young child will not be able to learn if they do not feel secure. In a high-quality preschool program, the teachers offer a safe and comforting place where the child will be able to socially and emotionally grow by becoming independent in a safe atmosphere.
  2. It teaches a child to care for him or herself. The preschool teacher will encourage the child to function in the classroom on their merit. Children learn skills like washing their hands, pouring water themselves, tidying up their areas. All of these simple tasks lead to a sense of self-worth that can only be gained through competence.
  3. It promotes speech and thinking. A child’s vocabulary grows from around 900 words at the age of 3 to over 2,500 words at the age of 5. They will begin to use more complex sentence structures and will be able to reason and explain cause and effect. A preschool program develops new vocabulary and gives peer-to-peer interaction, which is crucial to the learning process.
  4. It offers structured play. Although the structure may be invisible to the children in the class, a quality preschool program will be very structured with organized playtimes.
  5. It helps them grow as a person. The preschool years may be the first time a child is separated from his or her parents and may be the first time he or she is in a group of peers. Preschoolers learn to share, to be kind, to follow instructions, and to use empathy when dealing with classmates.
  6. It teaches a child to make choices. On a day-to-day basis, the child will be faced with the opportunity to make choices, and the ability to choose builds self-confidence and self-esteem.
  7. It helps a child prosper in kindergarten. Most children are entering the school system with one or more years of preschool or daycare under their belt, and they are already fairly adept at socialization. Children who have never had to follow directions or play nicely with others may struggle in the modern kindergarten environment.

We look forward to helping your child succeed.

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