7 Ways to Prepare for a Breast Reconstructive Surgery

by | Oct 5, 2018 | Health

Know what to do before you undergo reconstructive surgery in Chicago IL. Here are a few a few guidelines to follow.

Read up about the procedure

Losing your breasts to a mastectomy is often hard and can be a huge blow to your self-esteem and confidence. Reconstruction surgery can help make you feel better and renew your self-confidence, the Domain says. To get ready for the procedure, read up about it. Talking to your surgeon can also help.

Know what to expect

Will there be scars? What will look different? What will feel different? By talking to your doctor about your expectations, your surgeon can set you straight on several of them. Also, knowing what to expect can put a lot of your worries to rest.

Pick a good one

Before you go ahead with reconstructive surgery in Chicago IL, make sure you choose the right surgeon to perform the procedure. Pick someone with the right credentials and qualifications. Skill and experience matter. The more experienced your surgeon is, the more successful the results of the operation will be. Ensure peace of mind by selecting your surgeon with caution.

Understand the costs

While health insurance policies might cover some of the costs, it’s best to know which ones are covered and which ones you might need to pay for out of your pocket. Check terms and conditions. Find out if there are any limits on the reconstruction covered.

Stop smoking

Smoking can lower your immune system. Kicking the habit can help improve your recovery rate after the surgery.

Stop supplements

If you take in supplements, diet pills, vitamins, medicines and more, let your doctor know. You may need to stop taking some of these days before and after the procedure.

Determine eating and to drink schedule

You may need to avoid eating and drinking a few hours before the operation. Be clear on those instructions by clarifying them with your doctor.

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