Designer labels are very popular but few people can afford Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermes. The desire for designer goods is behind the new trend of upscale luxury resale stores. These stores are not thrift shops, rather they offer “like new” designer clothes and accessories. Industry experts say the economic downturn in 2008 sparked the trend. Owners of designer goods found themselves short of money and started selling the items. As a result, a whole new industry was born.
Most of these shops have large staffs of authenticators who inspect luxury items before the store buys them. Fashion houses like Chanel and Hermes have distinctive marks that cannot be duplicated. In addition, there are websites that teach consumers how to spot counterfeit items. The stores are a booming business because luxury items are sold to the public at a 50 to 60 percent discount. People who like Designer Shoes in New York City should visit A Second Chance Designer Resale Boutique. This boutique offers a large selection of handbags, luxury clothing, jewelry and accessories. They authenticate all merchandise and have a worldwide customer base. Examples of the savings include:
1. Hermes bag (retail price over $25,000) (resale price $9500)
2. Chanel dress (retail price $3500)(resale price $2800)
3. Christian Louboutin pumps (retail price $950.00)(resale price $800.00)
Many people are using the growth in resale shops to their benefit. A recent article detailed how a woman finances her business by buying and selling designer goods. She paid $2,000 for a Hermes purse at a retail shop and sold it later for $12,000. Further, several Oscar de la Renta dresses were auctioned on e-bay, for $300 each, to pay for upgrading a website. Finally, six pairs of Louis Vuitton shoes sold for $2,000 to fund an ad in a trade show publication. Resale shops allow fashioners to turn their designer investments into dollars when they need them. This new trend gives consumers a chance to get a taste of luxury for half the cost. For example, a resale shop is the place to go if one is shopping for Designer Shoes in New York City. What a great idea!