Electrical companies do a lot more than just wiring your electrical outlets and light sockets in your home. They can also handle the wiring of telephone and CATV lines throughout your Omaha home, enabling these services to reach different rooms in your home much more easily. A lot of homeowners tend to think that these types of wires need to be handled by the phone company or cable company that they subscribe to, but in reality many electricians like Brase Electrical Contracting Corp. are taking on the role of repairing, installing, and inspecting these types of wiring as well in recent years. Since these wires carry current through them when in use, they should always be handled by a professional, even if they’re less dangerous than actual electrical wiring which can electrocute a person if mishandled.
CATV wiring has been a common addition to homes since the late 1940’s, when televisions became prominent in many households. Having CATV in Omaha homes is something that most people will not find out of the ordinary, since cable television has been around for so long it’s common place to find it in most homes today. Since its introduction in the late 40’s, it’s become widely used in a variety of other avenues other than carrying a television signal. CATV cabling can be used in closed circuit camera setups for security systems, networking through office buildings to give larger range of bandwidth throughout the structure, and even also be found being used for gaming consoles and systems.
Utilizing CATV in Omaha homes for cable, internet, and telephone use is also a common thing to see in today’s society as well. This is due to the fact that CATV cabling only uses a small portion of the wire itself for a television signal, leaving ample room in the wire for other signals to be sent through it. This extra room can be used for the internet connection signal, giving the user a faster connection than most DSL services and higher bandwidth ratings as well. Most cable companies now package internet with their television, and some phone services as well, for their customers to have an easier time affording these services.