The Internet has taken everyone by storm and through email, blogs, Facebook and Twitter, it may seem that no one wants or needs regular mail. Though your marketing strategy should include online options, don’t forget about direct mail because it is still going strong.
In 2013, the DMA (Direct Mail Association) found that 65 percent of all consumers bought something because of direct mail services. This includes all sexes, ages and other demographical information. This means that these services still work and work very well.
Cost Per Lead
Though most people argue that the ROI is still more expensive for direct mail than email, the raw cost isn’t necessarily the issue. Cost per lead is what you should be measuring for success or fail rates. Direct mail services cost-per-lead is about the same as pay-per-click methods and is less than print advertisements, telemarketing and email.
Direct Mail Services In Atlanta, GA will also stay longer than an email. Most email sits in the inbox for about two to three days and is then deleted. If the customer doesn’t do something with the message by then, it is deleted and forgotten. However, mail tends to sit around for days, being shuffled from one area to another until it is required.
Mailing services have various options, but a postcard is a perfect way to start testing the mailboxes of potential and current customers. Mail doesn’t have to be big and bold to be effective and postcards tend to be scanned or read more than other types of mail.
This may be because postcards are smaller and have less information on them. No matter the reason, an effective postcard must have the offer printed easily to see quickly.
Mailing List Services
Whether it is direct mail or telemarketing, a mailing list is essential. Email lists are being improved, but they just don’t provide the same amount of quality as a direct mailing list. Telemarketing lists are also failing because people continually change their telephone numbers or become listed with the DNC (Do Not Call) registry.
Start your own in-house list of current customers and previous ones. It is definitely easier to keep customers, but wooing back former ones can be done. Then, consider purchasing a mailing list of prospects.
Direct mail services are still going strong. Consider Tucker Castleberry for your next marketing campaign and consider mailing options instead of online only.