The Beauty Of Granite

by | Aug 28, 2012 | Construction And Maintenance

Granite countertops are chosen again and again in homes and businesses worldwide for their beautiful appearances, their uniqueness, and their timeless and classic appeal. Granite countertops are always unique each and every time. Since granite is formed naturally in the earth, each piece is unique and different with varying patterns and designs. Granite also comes in a variety of colors from white, black, tan and grays which means that granite can suit the color scheme of any kitchen.

Granite countertops are among the very most durable countertop options available. They are resistant to scratching which is a definite issue in any kitchen with knives and food preparation and they are also heat resistant which means that any hot pot or pan that is placed on top of granite countertops will not leave an unsightly burn mark or damage the granite in any way.

Another part of granite’s durability is its non porous nature which means that bacteria and other fluids will not be soaked up into the granite counter top. This makes for very sanitary conditions and creates a safer environment for cooking and preparing food in the kitchen. Knives will not cut the surface of granite countertops which keeps plenty of moms from worrying that a less than careful family member is not pulling out the trusty cutting board.

Granite lasts a long time which means it doesn’t need to be replaced every couple of years and it will not become discolored by cleaning materials or by UV rays or spilled foods. Messes and spills are easy to clean up off of granite.

When it comes to the maintenance of granite, there are some things to take into consideration. To preserve the beauty of the granite, highly abrasive cleaners and scrubbing cloths or pads should be avoided at all costs. Strong chemicals such as bleach or highly corrosive cleaners can eventually dull the sheen and beauty of granite and can affect the top sealant glaze that is generally applied to all countertops that are made from granite.

With highly acidic or alcohol based substances that spill over and over again in the same area or sit for long periods of time on top of a particular granite surface, it may reduce the lifespan of the granite and create a slight discoloration over time.

Though granite seems to be the ideal choice for countertops, it is not the least expensive option by any means. There are faux granite options available for those who crave the look of granite but can’t afford the price for countertops made out of real granite. They can come close to mocking the look of real granite and provide a beautiful look all their own, though they don’t guarantee the same durability that real granite provides.

For any granite purchase questions or concerns, contact a profession in granite who can advise you on costs and textures and colors and installation to help you reach your goal of gorgeous countertops for years to come.

Granite countertops If you are looking for granite of unique color & various pattern, get in touch with VT Industries Inc for wide selection of beautiful, natural granite countertops.

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