Tips For Buying New Cars In Nashville

by | Aug 23, 2014 | Automotive

Nashville is constantly stirring with new exciting events. The city continues to expand and attract new residents. Many car dealerships have moved into the area over the years to service the growing number of people. With so many options, it can be difficult for some shoppers to find the right vehicle or dealership. However, by following a few of the Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission’s guidelines, finding the right trucks and cars Nashville can be an incredibly simple process.

The first aspect to consider is financing. Shoppers need to decide what they can afford before they ever begin shopping. This will help to narrow down the selection and keep them focused by providing strict parameters and a defined goal. After finding a few cars in Nashville that fit the budget, it’s important to talk with receptionists to see if the dealership offers in-house financing options. Shopping around for financing is equally beneficial. When buying a car, terms to consider include length of payment, interest percentage, down payment, late fees, and finance charges. It’s also ideal to ask how often the company repossesses vehicles.

The Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission focuses largely on the safety and functionality of vehicles. They suggest checking the tires, brakes, shocks, struts, and frame to see if the vehicle has been welded back together after a collision. They also recommend testing all the controls (defroster, heater, wipers, radio, etc.) to see if they are functioning properly. Their guidelines particularly emphasizes checking all the seat belts in the vehicle. All passenger seatbelts need to be inspected in addition to the driver’s seat.

Even if all these options are functioning appropriately, there’s still a chance that something will malfunction or that an accident will occur during Nashville high traffic hours on the interstate or downtown. It’s a good idea to read dealership warranty policies and to see if they offer in-house servicing. For example, Miracle Chrysler Dodge Jeep offers servicing and will even loan out cars to clients, so that they aren’t immobile while waiting for their vehicle to be serviced by the mechanics. Learning about these opportunities in advance can help when facing a potential emergency or stressful situation.

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