If You Have Been Injured In A Car Accident You Need The Personal Injury Lawyer in Beaver Dam WI

by | Oct 20, 2014 | Law

If you have suffered a personal injury through no fault of your own, you need to contact an attorney who is experienced in personal injury law. Don’t believe you can get a just settlement with the other driver’s insurance company because you can’t. That company doesn’t want to help you they just want your claim settled as cheap as possible.

If they approach you, send them away without a conversation except give them the name of your attorney. They will try to intimidate you with comments indicating this is the best offer you will get and it is good for one day. Absolutely an untrue statement. You will get the best settlement through the Personal Injury Lawyer in Beaver Dam WI. One of the personal injury attorneys in Beaver Dam WI is the only Dodge County attorney twice certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy as a Civil Trial Advocate. There are only 125 in the state.

A car accident may have left you with horrible physical problems including disfigurement, scarring, limited range of motion, loss of income and possibly a permanent disability. A limited income in the future is a possibility. Medical expenses can be very high, and your family’s emotional strength can be very low. Missing out on family life is a horrible experience.

The Personal Injury Lawyer in Beaver Dam WI knows how to get a case prepared for settlement or a trail. Of course, a settlement is the best way to resolve the case, but your attorney will not hesitate to go to trial. He is an experienced trial lawyer and a fierce advocate for your just compensation and all of the rights you are entitled to.

Your attorney will look into every aspect of the accident which may affect your case. He will conduct a background check on the other driver to determine if he has had prior accidents, DWIs, reckless driving charges and conduct indicating he may be disposed to having accidents. His car will be examined to determine if there is sheet metal damage which has not been repaired or bald tires. Empty alcohol beverage cans in the car is a reminder for his insurance company that he is not a person who respects the laws. Your attorney will be well prepared for trial and he will stand by you through every step of the way to the court room. Click here for more information.

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