Five Reasons to Treat the Team to Donuts

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Food Service

Let’s face it, the health kick so many people are on lately can get a little tired. If you are running a meeting or having a gathering that needs a little something for guests here are five reasons Donut Catering in Houston is the route to go:

1. Everyone Loves Donuts: A donut is the perfect food that very few people can resist. When it comes to morning meetings or even the need for an afternoon break having fresh hot coffee and a wide variety of donuts is the perfect thing to keep people happy. People are always happy to share a yummy treat they might not otherwise get for themselves. Donut catering in Houston is the perfect special treat that people will allow themselves to indulge in “just this once.”

2. Pick Me Up: A donut is something that can offer the perfect pick me up mid morning or afternoon when people are starting to lose steam. They are sweet and tempting and can provide a little more energy to get through the rest of a boring meeting or the perfect reward at the end of a long day.

3. Special Occasions: If you know someone who loves donuts why not order donut catering in Houston for their next birthday? Instead of the same old cake or cupcakes, a selection of nice, colourful donuts in many different varieties can be just the thing to offer a unique twist to a special day.

4. No More Fruit: People get sick of being forced to always look at healthy choices day in and day out. After all we are all adults and like to decide what will work best for our own needs. Having the choice to enjoy a fresh, sweet donut every now and then is a nice way to say, “You deserve a little indulgence.”

5. Easy and Affordable: Donut Catering Houston businesses use offers an easy and affordable option for feeding a team at meetings. If you can’t afford a complete lunch of breakfast spread, having a little something for people to nibble on will show that you made an effort to treat them to something special and fresh as opposed to having a few semi warm containers of coffee no one will want to drink.

As you can see donuts will be a welcome change from the same old fruit and muffins for your next meeting or gathering.

If you are looking for donut catering in Houston, My Shipley Donuts have the freshest, best donuts in town. Visit Domain to place your order today.

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