Phillies Cigars – The People’s Choice

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Cigar Shop

Phillies Cigars is an American brand that originated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Their cigars are known to be officially made and distributed by Bayuk Cigars, Inc. In the early 1900s the Phillies Cigar Company was officially started by the Bayuk brothers, with their first ever cigars made by hand. After their small scale cigar manufacturing company was in profit with huge sales in Philadelphia, the Bayuk brothers changed its name to Phillies Cigars. Today these cigars are manufactured by Altadis USA, Inc. owned by Imperial Tobacco.

A Size and Flavor for Every Customer

As demand and profits helped Phillies Cigars to reach heights in their early days, they gained enough reputation to be advertised by leading musicians and artists of later years. In turn, they began manufacturing a wide range of cigars in accordance with the flavors and sizes that new customers preferred.

Some of the famous flavors and sizes of which every Phillies Cigar smoker became aware were the Blunt, Mexicali Slim, Small Blunt, and many more. Phillies also manufactured the largest cigar in its day called the Titan. Cheroot and Perfecto were equally famous for their distinct flavors. Pentella and Black Max were usually preferred by adult smokers from all around America. Because of their tremendous reputation, Phillies Cigars began distribution of cigars all around the world to reap more profit and fame.

Artist’s Choice

They reached the height of their reputation when artist Edward Hopper used the tag of the company in his painting, Nighthawks. In this classic painting, Hopper topped a diner with an official advertisement for Phillies Cigar Company, along with an awesome illustration of one of the cigars and the inscription, ‘only ¢5.

Redman, a rapper of the early 1990s at the top of the music charts in his day, released a song called ‘How to Roll a Blunt.’ In this song he instructs his audience to purchase a Phillies Blunt Cigar whenever they are heading towards any local store in Uptown. Millions of Redman’s fans bought the cigars because of that song, and Phillies Cigar Company came up with a whole new brand and customer base.

The Phillies Blunt Cigar is the name for a popular cigar size which was made by the company. It was usually sold in local stores and in specialized cigar shops. They also offer a special called Barrel O’ Blunt Cigars, which are available in a pack containing 50 cigars.

Each Phillies Cigar is now available in many different and new flavors, including banana, which appeals to most of the younger smokers; chocolate, cinnamon, strawberry, watermelon and many more flavors help to make the Phillies Cigar smoking experience broader than rest of the available cigar companies.



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