Learn How To Screen Print Tee Shirts

by | Feb 10, 2015 | Business

Screen printing is one of the oldest forms of producing and reproducing clear, crisp, and identical images time and time again. It is simple in its process, but it requires that the initial set up of the screens be done accurately, and for all calibrations of where colors meet to be absolutely perfect in order to get the right look without any mistakes.

If anyone is interested in learning how to screen print tee shirts at home, there are classes offered at many community colleges and through different screen printing groups. Today, machines do all the work when it comes to large commercial orders, but it still takes a skilled technician to set everything up to give you just the look that you want.

While many people think of screen printings as just for tee shirts, banners and other fabrics, it can also be used on paper, metal, plastic, glass, and any other surface. Based on the type of screen that you use and the dye or ink that is used, you can even vary the thickness of the application.

Step1: Designing the Screens

The screens are designed to be an exact copy of the image that you want to display. All screens must have a consistent tension on the frame to allow uniform dispersal of the ink.

Now a computer will actually print the design on screen to create a stencil, although in some cases the stencil may be done by hand, especially when done for just a single shirt.

Step 2: Printing

In a screen printing company, there are different automated systems that place the screen down in the right position on the tee shirt, apply the desired color of ink to the stencil, and then use a squeegee like device to force the ink through the design and create the exact colors needed. With these automated presses, multiple colors can be done at the same time with precision accuracy, speeding up the multi-step process required if you are doing it manually.

The size of the screen, the pressure on the squeegee blade, and even the thickness of the ink will all contribute to the density of the design on the tee shirt.

Step 3: Drying

After printing the tee shirts, continue on a moving conveyer belt and pass them though UV lights for the UV curable inks, or through a dryer for the more traditional inks.

Then, when all that is completed, the shirts are boxed and ready to be picked up. With this process, it is easy to print tee shirts quickly, effectively and professionally, even allowing for one hour processing with some top companies.

If you want to learn more about how we screen print tee shirts, visit our website. We can be found online at website domain.

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