Everyone has likely heard the term facial before because it is incredibly popular with many women and men. However, it’s very likely that you’ve never heard of Photofacials before in Chicago and may be wondering what they are and who can do them. Typically, a photo facial is an umbrella term for a skin treatment that uses light-based technology. They are usually used to treat broken capillaries and brown spots or to boost collagen.
LED Technology
The LED (light-emitting diode) option is a gentle treatment, which uses a narrow spectrum light to boost up collagen. This procedure creates younger-looking and plumper skin and can also be used to kill acne bacteria. This option is usually found in day spas and is relaxing, cool and painless.
You will not have any risk of being burned by using this option, as long as you go to a doctor that understands and can administer the treatment correctly. It typically takes more than one treatment to see the best results, and doctors usually start with six treatments, with at least one week between treatments. After initial treatment, you may need maintenance treatments every month or so.
If your goal is to remove acne or boost collagen, this is going to be your best bet, as it has proven rejuvenation properties in the face. Of course, the results won’t be as spectacular as with plastic surgery, but it is natural, less expensive and gentle.
IPL Technology
IPL (Intense pulsed light) is a laser treatment that can be considered a photo facial. These photo facials treat many skin conditions, such as spider veins, brown spots, facial redness and broken capillaries. A hand-held laser is used, which blasts bright light at high levels of energy. Most IPLs have cooling devices, but it can be slightly painful or uncomfortable.
As with LED options in Chicago, you will likely need more than one treatment to see results and may require maintenance treatments every few months.
Most day spas will not include this technology, so you may need to see a plastic surgeon to have this procedure done. If you know that you need this treatment, ask them when contacting them for an appointment if they can do this procedure and how many treatments they do each year. These questions can help you determine if the procedure should be performed by that doctor.
Go to the site Website.com for more information.