For the majority of families the biggest single purchase they make is their home, the second biggest purchase is usually their car. For those families that are clever with their finances they will soon conclude that although a car is a necessity, a brand new one is not.
There are deals to be had on new cars just the same as there are overpriced used cars but in the case of a new car; it is more than the sticker price that makes a new car an unnecessary expense. With a new car there are other fees that can quickly add up; the cost of insurance and registration is high and of course, a new car starts to depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot, these expenses can add to thousands of dollars. On the other hand slightly used Fords in Alsip can help you save money without sacrificing quality and joy. There are a number of rather important benefits to purchasing a like-new used car in lieu of a brand new one.
* Lower price, less depreciation: Everyone has probably heard it before, “a new car drops thousands in value as soon as it is driven off the lot.” This is true, always has been and always will be; this is why a two year old luxury sports car is only worth a fraction of what was sold for originally. When you buy a car which is two years old, although it will continue to depreciate, it does so slower and you eliminate the big hit over the first couple of years, someone else got that.
* Registration fee: In most jurisdictions the fee for registering the car is based on the value and model year. Once the first two to three years depreciation is no longer factored into the equation it is easy to see how big money can be saved in this area.
* Extras: A dealer loves to install options; the dealer will gladly rust-proof the car or add a protective coating to the windows. These types of options are expensive but they add nothing to the resale value. When you do buy used Fords in Alsip you can often get all the options that you would love to have without having to pay big money for them.
* Condition: Cars of today are very different than cars of yesteryear; today’s cars are built to last. If you find used cars which have 50,000 miles on them they are still in excellent condition.
Admittedly brand new cars smells great but ask yourself; “how much is that really worth?” You will be happy that you spent a little time looking for slightly used Fords in Alsip that will provide you with excellent service for many years to come.
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