Important Details to Know Before Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer in Greenbelt

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Law Services

Every truck on the road can be a potential death threat depending on the concentration of the driver and the road conditions. Trucks have much more momentum than average vehicles. Thus, an accident involving a truck can result in severe injuries, broken bones or even death. Victims of truck accidents may also suffer temporary or permanent setbacks at work. They may not be able to return to work at all. Compensation from a truck accident case can help the victim to regain control over the financial spiral caused by the crash. However, to receive the rightful compensation, it is highly advisable to hire the services of a competent Truck Accident Lawyer in Greenbelt. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about truck accidents.

What are the major causes of truck accidents?

There are many causes of truck accidents, including:

  *       Equipment failure

  *       Speeding

  *       Overloading

  *       Overworked or over stressed drivers

  *       Using cellphones while driving or other distractions

  *       Adverse weather conditions among other causes

Why is it important to contact a truck accident lawyer immediately after the mishap?

The trucking company and their insurance carrier may contact the injured person almost immediately after the mishap to negotiate a settlement. Note that these are profit-making businesses, and they may not be concerned about offering one the rightful compensation. Thus, it is imperative to contact a Truck Accident Lawyer in Greenbelt immediately after the incident to help the injured person negotiate the proper compensation. Additionally, it is advisable to hire a truck accident immediately after the accident to avoid falling behind the time limit for filing injury lawsuits.
What is the maximum amount of compensation that one can receive for damages incurred?

The amount of compensation an injured person can receive is determined by the nature and extent of the damages. A proficient truck accident lawyer at Jaklitsch Law Group can ensure that the injured person is compensated for the paid and unpaid medical bills, missed checks, physical damages and emotional distress caused by the mishap.

A proficient Truck Accident Lawyer in Greenbelt is committed to fighting for the rights of their clients. The lawyer will work diligently to ensure their client receives compensation for all damages caused by the incident. For more information about the roles of a truck accident attorney, please visit the website.

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