A Child Support Lawyer in Honolulu Will Take Care of Everything

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Law Services

Many people will agree, being a single parent can be very difficult. This is especially the case when it comes to finances. If this is something that is a current struggle for you or someone close to you, it may be time to think about hiring a child support lawyer in Honolulu. As a single parent, there are certain things that one may be entitled to. Child support is definitely one of these things. If a former spouse is not keeping up child support payments even though they have been ordered to do so, it is definitely time to turn the problem over to Greg Ryan & Associates.

You will be glad to know that a free consultation appointment is available. Take the time to sit down and speak with someone who has experience with this type of situation. It may be surprising to learn that a paycheck can be garnished in order to collect this money. Of course, it is going to depend on the judge. Take the time to meet with a lawyer as soon as possible. If necessary, he will get started with putting together a court date. If everything falls into place, this money may be collected before much longer.

If the former spouse is unwilling to pay monthly support payments, the child support lawyer in Honolulu can request that time in jail is completed. After all, this is a serious offense and it is something that needs to be taken care of right away. It is unfortunate that many people are not willing to live up to their responsibilities. This is something that is required. After all, the children depend on their parents to make sure that they have everything that is necessary to live a comfortable life. If one of the parents is unwilling to cooperate, the children are the ones who are going to go without the necessities. Don’t take time away from the children simply because the former spouse is not willing to pay their share. Hold them accountable and do everything possible to make sure that the kids are taken care of during this very stressful time.

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