Reviewing the Decision Making Process With a Child Custody Lawyer in Spokane, WA

by | Sep 23, 2015 | Lawyers

In Washington, the court renders decisions for child custody when parents can’t reach an agreement. These circumstances require a trial. During a trial, each parent has the opportunity to present why they are the most appropriate choice. If the child is at least twelve, the court assigns an advocate who will present the child’s wishes. A child custody lawyer in Spokane, WA represents each parent in these proceedings.

The Quality of Parenting

The court will review the quality of parenting. They will identify the parent with the most active role during the marriage. The parent that has been the caregiver will need to remain close with the child. The court will determine which assignment is the most appropriate option for the child.

Ability to Work Together

The parents meet with a liaison for the court. They evaluate each parent and gauge their ability to make decisions together. The most idyllic assignment divides choices among the parents. It makes them work together as a team. However, if the parents can’t work together the court must take steps to prevent a hostile environment for the child.

Distance Between the Parents

The distance between the parents’ homes will have an impact on the child custody order. For example, parents who live in two different states require assignments based on the school year. The child lives with the parent in the preferred school district during the school year. They will live with the alternative parent during the summer and extensive holiday vacations.

Is Enforcement of the Orders Necessary?

If a parent refuses to abide by the orders, the court steps in and enforces the order. This could lead to contempt of court charges or additional criminal penalties. The child custody order reflects the most appropriate choices for the child. The court’s ruling for this assignment is final. The law prevents unauthorized changes that could affect the child negatively.

In Washington, the court renders decisions that are beneficial for the child and parents. These decisions reflect the most idyllic living environment for the child. The court will review each parent and make a decision based on the assessments. Parents who need a child custody lawyer in Spokane, WA should visit for more information

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