In Iowa strict laws apply to any act that constitute theft or burglary. These acts include looting vacate buildings as well as shoplifting in shopping centers or department stores. A theft lawyer in Marion, IA could help individuals facing these charges.
What Circumstances Could Lead to A Theft Charge?
* Intentionally keeping the property that belongs to someone else without permission
* The disposal or selling property that belongs to someone else
* Possession of stolen property in which the accused was aware of the theft
* A failure to pay for services or projects after the requirements were met
* Defrauding another individual via property destruction
* Fraudulent, stolen or counterfeit checks
* Theft of utility services
What Is the Criminal Penalty for Theft?
The penalty for theft charges is based on the total value that was stolen. First, any stolen property that is valued below $200 is classified as fifth-degree theft. This charge is a misdemeanor. The penalty for this infraction is thirty days in county lockup. The fine imposed on the convicted is $625.
Theft of property with values that range between $200 and $500 is classified as fourth-degree theft. It is a misdemeanor. The convicted spends one year in county lockup. They’ll pay a fine of $1875.
Theft with values ranging between $501 and $1,000 is third-degree theft and a misdemeanor. The convicted individual receives a two-year prison sentence. Their fines are $6,250.
Stolen property with values ranging from $1,001 and $10,000 is second-degree theft. This includes automobiles. It is a class D felony. The convicted individual receives a five-year prison sentence. Their fines are $7,500.
All stolen property that is over $10,000 in value equates to first-degree theft and is a class C felony. The convicted individual receives a ten-year prison sentence. Their fines are $10,000.
Theft in the state of Iowa could produce extensive criminal penalties and vast fines. These infractions could create dire circumstances in the future if a conviction is secured. A felony conviction could prevent these individuals from acquiring employment after release. Anyone facing these charges should contact a theft lawyer in Marion, IA by visiting us website for more information.