What Customers Will Find at McArdle Surgical

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Health Care

McArdle Surgical is an example of a full-service medical supply store. That means that customers will find everything needed for independence, mobility, medical needs, and medical supplies. Needs may be permanent, such as diabetic supplies, or stair lifts, or temporary, such as canes, wound care supplies, or orthopedic bracing. Services are also offered for durable medical supplies. A lift chair, for example, once purchased, can be delivered, set up in the home, and a demonstration provided regarding proper use.

Full-service medical supply stores also offer a wide variety of choices for products, as opposed to one or two options. Compression wear, for example, is usually available in white or beige at most places. Experienced stores, like McArdle Surgical, realize that that item is used by many different people for different reasons, so they provide many colors, sizes, and styles. Compression stockings are worn to keep feet, ankles, and legs from swelling. They are used by athletes, diabetics, people who are on their feet all day, those who are at a desk all day, people with poor circulation, and many pregnant women. Not all those people are going to want the same style or color of stockings, and not all will need the same degree of compression.

A variety means everyone can get what they need and want. Styles include knee and thigh high stockings, trouser socks, and pantyhose styles. Different degrees of gradient compression are also offered. A variety also means finding something to fit any budget. Compression wear is not covered by many insurance companies, of standard Medicare. Affordable pricing and high-quality is important because the cost is coming out of pocket for most customers.

A wide selection of bathroom aids is also important. Benches, different chairs, grab bars, and raised toilet seats are not one size fits all items. Finding what is needed at one place saves customers time and money. Other supplies include hot and cold therapy products, blood pressure units, bed wedges and pillows, and urinary incontinence supplies. Customers can Visit the Website to find out about major medical equipment to help people remain independent in their homes. Those items include indoor and outdoor stair lifts, wheelchairs, and lift chairs.

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