Kansas business owners need adequate coverage to prevent a major financial loss. These losses could include automobiles used to perform vital business services. With Commercial auto insurance in Wichita KS, these business owners could achieve a higher than average coverage level to protect their investments fully.
The Limitation of Coverage
When purchasing commercial coverage, the owner should evaluate all limitations that apply to their policy. This includes when the coverage is active and under what circumstances is coverage denied. The owner should consider all liabilities that apply to their company and evaluate how limitations could affect them overall.
Reviewing the Exact Terms of the Policy
The exact terms of the policy for Commercial auto insurance in Wichita KS define how the policy pays after an accident. For example, if the policy stops at liability coverage only, it pays the expenses for the other party involved in the accident, if the commercial driver is at fault. It won’t provide coverage for the commercial vehicle. If this is the case, the business owner could suffer a loss if the vehicle is no longer operational.
Defining Business Hours
Commercial coverage is provided during business hours only. The driver cannot perform personal errands and maintain coverage. They must prove that they were fulfilling job duties when an accident occurs. If they were on their lunch break, the coverage is denied.
When an Accident Occurs
If the commercial insurance is for a large truck, the accident requires an extensive investigation. The authorities must ensure that the driver followed all Federal Motor Carrier regulations. They must also determine if the driver was under the influence during the accident. These factors could affect the coverage level achieved for the business owner. If the driver committed a criminal act, the insurer may deny coverage altogether.
Kansas business owners need to review coverage for commercial vehicles. The terms of their selected policy determine the level of coverage achieved. It may also identify circumstances in which the owner may lose coverage. Business owners who need Commercial auto insurance in Wichita KS should contact Andy Woodward Insurance Agency for further information about these policies today.