If your family dentist referred you to a specialist, the dentist probably already has a general idea as to why you are visiting. Many people who visit an orthodontist for the first time have questions and concerns regarding the placement of braces on their teeth. During the initial visit to an orthodontist West Loop professional, they will cover all aspects of their services and how they benefit patients.
What to Expect during Your Visit
The first step during a consultation with a referred orthodontist typically involves talking with the dentist and staff along with a full examination. The dentist typically asks why a patient is considering orthodontic work should it being for cosmetic reasons. Some patients will be referred for medical treatments such as jaw issues and other problems which could require a surgical procedure. The dental clinic will review your medical history carefully to determine the best plan of action.
Orthodontic Examination Determines Treatment
The dentist will examine the patient for any type of issues including alignment, problems with the jaw, gum health, chewing ability and other possible concerns. At this time they will formulate a treatment program that will meet your orthodontic needs. The patient is given an x-ray to determine the extent of surgery required. Should it involve getting braces, the dentist will make a determination on the type of braces that will be most effective for your specific case.
Types of Braces Used
Many patients frequently are highly apprehensive when it concerns having braces installed. This is usually because of fearing that they may look unsightly or be highly painful. Today’s technology however has evolved to the point where orthodontists are able to offer patients other options. These include indivisible braces which are removable and more modern. This involves trays which will be adjusted over time to ensure the teeth are realigned properly. With the many choices nowadays, people of all ages are having braces to improve their appearance and smile.
Getting Prepared for the Procedure
When the patient has made a determination on the type of treatment necessary, the orthodontist will schedule an appointment to install braces or perform the necessary surgery. Because having braces is typically considered a cosmetic procedure, it’s important to have a full understanding of the costs involved. Your orthodontist West Loop specialist will go over the financing arrangements offered. It’s a small price to pay considering the many benefits of a beautiful smile. Contact Pure Dental Spa for more information.