Printing services can be provided for a number of promotional products by businesses. Items can be produced by offset or digital methods. To decide on the type of printing that you need for your company’s brochures or stationery, you need to know the difference between offset and digital techniques.
Offset Printing
Offset printing uses metal plates that are designed to transfer images onto a rubber component before the image is rolled onto paper. The method is termed as “offset” because images are not transferred by direct means. If you have a voluminous printing job, offset printing is the desired method. On the other hand, you want to opt for digital print in New York, NY when your printing project is smaller.
How Digital Printing Is Produced
Digital printing uses larger ink-jet printers or smaller laser printers to produce materials. This type of printing allows you to print unique data on each printed piece. Because an offset printing process cannot accommodate this requirement, offset printing is better to use for jobs where all the printing is the same. Therefore, digital print methods often emphasize smaller runs and the production of content that varies in each brochure, postcard, or flyer.
Variable Content
Companies such as Printing Express take short-run orders for digitally printed items, particularly if the output is variable. When you use variable printing, you can personalize each printed piece. This allows you to review buyers’ behaviors so you can improve response rates. For instance, you can print different coupon codes on each printed piece for monitoring purposes.
Therefore, variable digital print items may include different images, identifiers, codes, and copy. The short-run printing option enables you to print only the items you need on demand. As a result, your turn-around time for digital printing is quick as the lead time is reduced. If the files are ready to print, the process offers a convenient way to obtain the marketing items that you need to promote your business.