Labs And Testing Facilities Benefit From Used Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Equipment

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Laboratory Equipment

Small to mid-sized laboratories and testing facilities often find themselves in a very real challenge. This is the challenge of competing with large, very well-funded labs and facilities in a way that allows them to compete in the same market and grab their share.

The biggest issue for most small to medium-sized labs is the cost of new equipment. To get around this issue without compromising on testing quality, reliability or accuracy, many labs are turning to top used equipment sellers for used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment.

The Cost Savings in Used Equipment

As with any purchase of used equipment, there is only a cost saving if the equipment is in top condition. A common mistake made by labs when purchasing used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment is to buy privately or through an equipment broker. These two options are a “buyer beware” situation where the seller or the broker may not have any direct information about the equipment or its current condition.

Buying used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment from a reputable seller of these systems is a very different matter. These companies will offer used equipment that is tested, pre-owned equipment that will be in top working order.

All systems sold through these companies will be thoroughly tested to make sure that all industry standards for testing and all certifications for the equipment currently required can be met by the system.

Options With Features

With the large LC-MS equipment, as well as with the more compact, streamlined systems, various features and functions may be included in the base price of the system. This can allow small labs to upgrade their current testing options without paying all the cost of having optional features and components added to the basic system.

With the cost savings in place, including the option to finance through top equipment suppliers, even a small lab can have the system in place to be highly competitive in any testing market.

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