When you are helping a loved one or family member decide on where to live when he or she is not able to live as independently as he or she has before, then it’s important that you take into consideration all of your options before making a final choice. A lot of people may not think about independent living apartments but these are a great option for a lot of elderly.
Stay Somewhat Independent
One of the biggest perks of independent living apartments in Katy, TX is that the residents are able to retain some of their independence. Most people know that getting an elderly family member or friend to give up his or her car keys and his or her independence is very difficult, which is why these apartments are so great. While they do not have the high level of independence that comes with living in a home alone, they offer the feeling of independence while still offering safety.
More Help When Needed
Independent living apartments are a great step for someone who isn’t ready to move to a facility but still needs a little more help. They often come with some perks and household help such as weekly cleaning and help with errands. This allows the residents to take care of themselves as much as possible while still relying on a little extra help to make their lives easier. In addition, some apartments offer laundry services and will even help residents with other chores around the home.
Finding the right apartments for your loved one can be hard. You have to look at all of the benefits that will be provided before making a final choice so you can rest easy that you have made the right decision. If you are having trouble choosing between independent living apartments, then call the experts at Oasis Senior Advisors – West Houston to help you narrow down your search. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.