Why Paver Patios in Brookfield WI Are A Great Idea

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Construction

Homeowners all across the country are becoming increasingly fond of designing their patios with concrete paver stones. There are many reasons why this is so. Here is a breakdown of just a few of the reasons why they have taken the country by storm.

They Are Versatile

The versatility of concrete pavers is amazing. No matter what idea the homeowner has in mind for their paver patios in Brookfield WI, it can be brought to fruition. There are pavers with rough edges which make for a truly unique look. Other concrete pavers have a tongue and groove design which allows them to lock into place. The pavers can be placed into any design imaginable. The can also be cut after purchase by using a wet saw with a diamond blade.

They Are Economical

In the long run, there is no other option besides concrete which proves to be as economical. The pavers have a life expectancy of over 30 years. This is far greater than any other material commonly used in patio construction. The way the pavers are manufactured makes them far less costly than asphalt or poured concrete. Since they are durable and need to be replaced far less often than sandstone, clay or granite, they are a wise investment for the thrifty homeowner.

They Are Low Maintenance

Concrete paver patios in Brookfield WI are virtually free from maintenance. The only cleaning they require is a quick sweep of debris with a broom and rinsing off with a garden hose. Occasionally the sand in the joints may be rinsed away by the hose. If this occurs, the homeowner only needs to sweep sand right back into the joints. If the sand below the paver stones becomes uneven due to heavy rains, just level the sand and the patio will be as good as new.

For more questions about paver patios and if they are the right decision, contact an experienced company such as Outdoor Living Unlimited. They can answer any questions the curious homeowner may have and guide their decision so they will be happy with the outcome. Pavers are an easy way to beautify the home.

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