4 Things That May Go Wrong After Septic System Installation in Oak Harbor WA

by | Feb 25, 2019 | Septic Tanks

No matter how hard a homeowner tries, things will inevitably go wrong. The roof may leak, the kids may damage the carpet, or there may be a problem after Septic System Installation in Oak Harbor WA. While most people keep their septic systems in good shape, others need a little help. Below are several tips to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Clogs and Blockages

For the safety of the septic tank, families should be careful about what they put down the drain and flush down the toilet. Don’t put grease, oil, sanitary products, or anything but waste into the septic tank. Such items may cause clogs and prevent wastewater from leaving the home, causing serious and unsanitary plumbing issues.

Roots From Nearby Trees

Trees often intrude into septic systems, causing severe damage. Many times, roots will grow around tanks, but that’s not always the case. Are there large trees close to the septic tank? If so, give the pros a call for a routine inspection.

Accidental Damage

Septic tanks are quite large, and they take up a great deal of room in the yard. Because of their size, it’s important to dig carefully and pay close attention to where they are. Why is it so crucial? The system isn’t just about the tank; it includes hundreds of feet of piping as well, and it’s all at risk.

Backups Into the Tub, Toilet, and Sink

If the tank isn’t regularly pumped or there’s a blockage somewhere in the system, the results could be dangerous and highly unsanitary. When wastewater and sewage back up into the home, they may cause illness and property damage. Call today for scheduled maintenance or Septic System Installation in Oak Harbor WA.

Call the Pros Today

As with other parts of the home, it’s often easier and less expensive to maintain something than to replace it. The best way to maintain the health and integrity of the septic system is to schedule regular maintenance. A routine inspection may point out issues before they become unmanageable. Visit the website for more details or call today to set up a service appointment.

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