Most workers in the Dallas area are familiar with the Social Security Disability Insurance program, which is more often referred to as Social Security Disability or SSD. This is a federal insurance program that is managed by the Social Security Administration and provides monthly payments to people unable to work.
Social Security Disability should not be confused with SSI or Supplemental Security Income. SSI is a program for people who have a low-income level or without enough work credits or history to be able to apply for and receive Social Security Disability.
Upon diagnosis of a condition that prevents the individual from working, an application for SSD is required to begin the process. This application is detailed and requires information on the individual, his or her work history, and information about the diagnosed medical condition. Information on doctors, appointments, treatments, and medication are included.
While this may seem like a simple process, the majority of first-time Social Security Disability applications are denied. This is typically due to errors on the forms or lack of medical evidence to meet the standards required by the SSA for approval. In some cases, the SSA may determine there is still the option to work in a different job given the health issue stipulated.
Working with Social Security Disability lawyers after a denial is important, as there are appeals processes in place. The first step is simply a review of the documentation, known as a reconsideration. The rate of overturning denials at this stage is very low.
At this point, Social Security Disability lawyers are a must. The next step is to appear before an Administrative Law Judge for a hearing. This allows the Social Security Disability lawyers to call medical experts and vocational experts to provide additional information to the judge on the facts of the case.
With the ability to call witnesses and to make a clear case as to the diagnosed medical issues, individuals in Dallas have a better chance of approval. However, even with a denial at this level, your SSD attorney still has options including scheduling a hearing with the Appeals Council.