Sometimes homeowners call for maytag repair in Shrewsbury MA for a washing machine or dishwasher, and it turns out the problem is they’ve been using far too much soap. If they don’t see the suds draining away, they don’t realize they are causing issues like film and spots on glasses, dishes not rinsing thoroughly, and laundry feeling scratchy and stiff.
More Concentrated Detergent
Detergent manufacturers have made the substances significantly more effective and concentrated over the years. Now, people can get by with adding a very small amount of soap to the laundry or dishwasher compared with what their parents did. Nevertheless, many still fill the cap halfway or even up to the top. They pay no attention to the instructions on the soap container or in the appliance manual.
An Experiment
Towels tend to hold the most detergent when too much is added. A technician called in for maytag repair in Shrewsbury MA because a washing machine doesn’t seem to rinse properly might want to do an experiment.
The experiment involves placing several towels in the machine and starting a wash cycle without adding detergent. The technician verifies that the rinse cycle is working properly. If the drain water is sudsy, the towels obviously contain soap, almost assuredly because of too much detergent being added in the last wash.
The Drain Hose
Washing machines that drain into a hidden pipe don’t make it obvious that too much soap is in the water. To run this experiment, the technician from a company like J M Appliance Service can move the drain hose to a floor drain or a nearby sink.
Appliance repair workers may recommend setting up a sink in the laundry area if there isn’t one. This can be an inexpensive plastic portable stand with a drain hose leading to a floor drain. With this device, lint can be strained from the draining water and the household residents also can see if they are using too much detergent. Straining the water removes bits of fabric, hair and other substances that could otherwise eventually lead to a clogged drain. Contact us to discuss any washing machine or dishwasher problems that are occurring.