Your plants and lawn are dependent on you. Do not let them down by allowing your sprinkler system to fall into disrepair. If you notice any of the following problems, then start researching sprinkler system repair in Cape Coral so that your plants and lawn can get the water they need.
Dying Grass
If your grass or plants are dying due to lack of water when they were not before, then it might be time to call in an expert for repairs. Check for leaks in your system, and then observe the sprinkler heads to see if they are putting out the required amount of water. If not, turn to a professional.
Lack of Pressure
You should have a good idea as to your system’s normal water pressure. Any change in it likely means you have got a problem. With too little pressure, your system will be working harder to do its job, and this could cause premature equipment failure.
Inconsistent Watering
Your sprinkler system should produce even watering patterns throughout your yard. If you notice water pooling or collecting in certain spots, then you will want to fix that right away. You could have a broken sprinkler head or two or might need a valve adjusted.
Sputtering Sprinkler Heads
Sprinkler heads will commonly sputter when they are first turned on. However, if you notice that some of yours are continually doing so during watering, then your heads need inspection and possibly repair.
Higher Water Bill
Your bottom line could be affected if you are having sprinkler problems. With a leak somewhere in your system, you will be wasting water that costs good money. If your water bill is abnormally higher, then a leak could be your culprit, and you will want to call for sprinkler system repair in Cape Coral right away.
For professional and effective sprinkler maintenance and repair, contact Five Star Irrigation Services, Inc.