There are some things you can put off for an eternity without experiencing negative consequences. However, a pool leak isn’t one of them. If you require pool leak repair, you’ll want to act fast and call a professional. It’ll save you money and time by avoiding the damage that leaky pools eventually cause.
Signs You Have a Pool Leak
If you see any of the following signs in or around your pool, then you should call for pool leak repair as soon as possible.
- Standing Water – Keep an eye out for water that pools around your pool area and near your pump. Standing water at these places could be a sign of a leak.
- Faster Than Normal Evaporation – Your pool will lose water through evaporation every day. However, if you notice more water loss than usual, the cause may not be evaporation, but a pool leak.
- Pool Is Slowly Dropping – Your pool’s support could become compromised by an ongoing leak. If so, it will lose its ability to fully support the water in your pool, and your pool could start to sink.
- Damp Soil – Is the lawn or ground continually damp anywhere near your pool? If so, a pool leak is a likely culprit.
Damage Caused by Leaks
Leaks can cause terrible damage to the structures that support and surround your pool, and could even compromise the safety of nearby land. Cracks and small sinkholes may develop, growing larger as time goes on. Unfortunately, many leaks occur below the pool and out of sight, meaning they may go undetected until it’s too late. The only way to diagnose these “invisible” leaks is by calling a professional leak detector.
Contact Atlantic Pool Leak Detection for effective non-invasive leak detection services today.