Guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney in Grand Haven

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Personal Injury

After suffering an injury, individuals may be left wondering if they should hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Grand Haven. If the injured party has suffered severe bodily harm, it is paramount they contact an attorney for a consultation. Filing a personal injury claim requires specific skills and knowledge about both the legal system and medical terminology. Injured persons should not consider filing a claim without an experienced attorney’s assistance.

When to Contact an Attorney

Time is of the essence when considering legal action for a personal injury claim. Michigan, like most states, has statutes of limitations in place for injury cases. This means an injured person has a limited amount of time after an injury, to file legal action against the responsible party. Contact an attorney as soon as possible after an injury to help preserve any available evidence and to allow for the maximum amount of time to prepare an effective claim.

How to Find the Best Attorney

When filing a personal injury claim, it’s best to work with an attorney experienced in handling cases involving similar circumstances. Injury cases can be complicated, dealing both with legal and medical issues. Lawyers gain the knowledge needed to maximize a client’s compensation through extensive experience. Ask others who have sustained similar injuries for a recommendation about an attorney they have worked with in the past. Ask other attorneys if they can recommend a reputable personal injury attorney for your specific situation.

Initial Consultation

Reputable attorneys offer free consultations to potential clients. Use this opportunity to gauge each attorney’s level of professionalism and legal knowledge. Discuss the case and what they consider to be the best options going forward. Look for an attorney that has a specific plan for the case over one that gives general platitudes. At the consultation, be sure to address the payment and expense reimbursement policies to avoid any future surprises.

In Summary

Hiring a personal injury attorney does not need to be complicated. After an injury, hire an experienced attorney with whom you feel most comfortable. For more information about a personal injury claim or to schedule a free consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney in Grand Haven, contact Bleakley Law Offices P C.

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