Utilizing Mobile Commercial Healthcare Services in Suffolk County, NY

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Healthcare

You expect the people that you hire to work for you to remain sober while on the clock. Their sobriety is crucial to not only your business’s success but also the safety and wellness of everyone who is in the building.

To ensure that your employees stay sober, you can subject them to random drug and alcohol testing. You can hire mobilized healthcare services in Suffolk County, NY, that can come to your business to carry out the testing for you.

Breathalyzer Testing

One of the easiest ways to tell if someone has been drinking is to administer a breathalyzer test. The test detects trace amounts of alcohol on a person’s breath. If the amount of alcohol is at or above a certain limit, the person essentially fails the test and is determined to be inebriated.

While law enforcement sets the blood alcohol content limit for breathalyzers at 0.08 percent, you have the option of using whatever concentration limit that you deem safe for your building. The healthcare services in Suffolk County, NY, that you hire for your business can then use that limit to detect if workers are sober enough to remain on the clock or too drunk to be safe on the job.

The services can also administer blood and urine tests to detect the presence of drugs and alcohol in workers’ systems. You can find out more about healthcare services in Suffolk County, NY, online. Contact us to learn more about the services options for your business.

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