Why You Need a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney in Bellingham, WA

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Lawyers

It is estimated that 20 percent of falls result in a serious injury. A slip and fall accident can be your own fault if you were not paying attention. However, they can sometimes be caused by the negligence of another person. That is why you will need the help of an attorney.

Prove Liability

For you to get compensated you must be able to prove that the other person or party was responsible for the accident. Your attorney will be able to establish fault. They will also be able to gather documents and talk to witnesses.

Your Attorney Knows the Law

Attorneys are experienced. They have studied the law and know how they will affect your case. That is why they know exactly how your case should be handled.

You Can Rest While Your Attorney Does the Work

You need to focus on recovering from your fall. If you hire a slip and fall accident attorney in Bellingham, WA., then you will be able to relax while they take care of the work. If you attempt to talk to the insurance adjuster on your own, you probably won’t be able to get fair compensation. They will try to under-compensate you.

Nothing to Lose

You have nothing to lose by hiring an attorney. You do not have to pay anything upfront. Your attorney will take a percentage of your reward.

If you are in need of a slip and fall accident attorney in Bellingham, WA, then you can contact Allen Law Firm.

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