Anxiety is the human response to a threat, real or imagined. To a lesser extent, anxiety is present in all living things. It is not always a bad thing. Anxiety can help people to cope with tension. It can also be a great motivator when an individual is focused on, and working toward, a goal. However, irrational or excessive anxiety can interfere with one’s quality of life. When anxiety reaches this point, it becomes chronic. When life becomes fraught with fears and worries that stand between you and enjoyment of life, it can be most helpful to seek counseling in Denver.
If you suffer from anxiety, you are not alone. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates there are at least 40 million sufferers in the United States. Chronic anxiety disorders are those that have been present for an extended period, unlike acute anxiety, which is something created by a single occurrence or event. Lisa Yaeger, LPC knows very well that chronic anxiety is something that can be treated, allowing the individual to return to a normal, fulfilling life. There is no doubt that chronic anxiety disorders respond exceptionally well to treatment from a qualified therapist.
Most people who seek anxiety therapy in Denver move on to lead healthy, happy, and productive lives. Professional therapists use differing treatment approaches depending on the type of anxiety disorder and its severity. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one such therapy and has proven to be highly effective. CBT is a therapy that focuses on the identification, understanding, and modification of behavioral and thought patterns. CBT involves the individual in his or her improvement, ensuring that they maintain a sense of control. Those in counseling are tasked with reading and practicing that which they have learned from therapy sessions. The practice of cognitive behavioral therapy is instrumental in overcoming anxiety disorders.