A Personal Injury Lawyer in Urbana, IL. Helps When Requests for Settlements Don’t Go Smoothly

by | Apr 29, 2020 | Personal Injury

In some instances, an insurance company offers a settlement to an injured person making a claim and everyone is satisfied. Often, however, the process doesn’t go quite this smoothly. Sometimes insurers refuse to pay the amount an injured person believes he or she deserves, and sometimes they deny the claim altogether. In those circumstances, a personal injury lawyer in Urbana, IL. is valuable for gathering evidence and preparing documentation to convince the insurer to settle for the amount requested.

Insurance companies may offer a lesser amount than seems reasonable or refuse to pay on a claim for several reasons, but usually, it comes down to three factors. The underwriters and claims investigators may have decided that the claimant’s health issues are not due to the accident, even if the occurrence of an accident has been confirmed. For instance, someone who previously sought treatment for back pain may be denied a settlement for the recurrence or worsening of back pain due to the accident.

A personal injury lawyer in Urbana, IL. also can help if the insurance company believes the injured person was partly responsible for the accident. Illinois state law does not exclude people from making a claim even if they were somewhat negligent in the situation and thus could be considered partially to blame. The problem is deciding what percentage of the blame belongs to the person who was hurt. In Illinois, if an injured person can be considered more than 50 percent at fault, then they cannot make a claim.

The third reason a person may need legal representation by a firm such as Business Name is when the insurer has determined that the injury is not worth the amount of money this individual has requested. Experienced attorneys typically know whether this is true or not. If the case is somewhat unusual, they can track down other cases in the state’s legal history and see how much compensation the injured person received. A person with questions about any of these issues with an insurer may contact this lawyer through the website.

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