Five Considerations for your Outdoor Outlets

by | Oct 22, 2013 | Business And Finance

Most homes have at least one or two outdoor outlets, although not always in the most convenient areas. Businesses need a DH364NRK Heavy Duty Outdoor Safety Switch but home owners just need to have well grounded and well placed outdoor outlets. If you have moved into a new home and have found it lacking in proper outdoor outlets here are a few reasons you should consider looking at having a few more, safer outlets installed:

1. Yard Work: If you have been doing everything manually in your yard because you don’t have enough outlets, or worse are dragging a dangerous extension cord around behind you while you work you should stop and take note of where you need outlets to work more efficiently. At the least you should have an outlet located on either side of your home as well as one at the front and back to accommodate electrical yard tools.

2. Outdoor Entertaining: If you do a lot of entertaining it is nice to be able to bring our an iPod station or other forms of portable music. Better yet, install an outdoor system. This is of course not practical for most home owner’s budgets so having an outlet close to where you entertain outdoors will help you enjoy your evening’s outside more.

3. Pools: If you have a pool have electrical outlets around the pool will assist your pool maintenance team when they come to work on closing the pool or doing heavy duty cleanings such as removing algae.

4. Upgrade with proper GFCI’s: Even if you don’t need more outlets consider upgrading to proper GFCI’s that will provide safe usage should outlets get wet. Proper covers are a must even if you have GFCI’s are installed. If you don’t have covers on your outlets you should definitely and have them covered properly.

5. Power Tools: For the DIYer power outlets are a must and having them in a convenient area will make working on your projects that much easier. Look around for a spot that works well such as under a protective area to stay out of the sun and rain.

Looking into these options will make working around the house both easier and safer.

Businesses need a DH364NRK heavy duty outdoor safety switch but home owners just need to have well grounded and well placed outdoor outlets. Visit the official website for more information.

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