Signs That You Require Emergency Tree Removal in Jacksonville

by | Aug 26, 2021 | Business

Things happen to trees over time, including pests, diseases, and old age. The older a tree is, the more likely it is to suffer from these problems and the greater the risk the tree poses. To reduce these risks, it’s helpful to learn about the signs requiring emergency tree removal in Jacksonville.

Trees That Are Leaning

There is a difference with leaning trees between ones that do it naturally and ones that are in trouble. The best indicator between the two is if the tree has always grown straight and then suddenly starts to lean one way or another. Most leaning trees are either dying or damaged and require removal. Anything above a 15% lean is considered dangerous.

Damaged Roots That You Can See

One of the most important signs to watch for that indicate you need emergency tree removal in Jacksonville is damaged roots. The root system of any tree is your best way of determining how healthy it is. When you notice decaying or damaged roots, it’s best to call a tree service immediately. This kind of damage increases the risk of the tree falling because it lost its structural support system.

Big Dead Branches

If any of the bigger branches in your tree are dead, they should be removed immediately. Upon their removal, the tree should be thoroughly inspected for any other damage. In some cases, these larger dead branches indicate a health issue with the tree, which requires further action before damage occurs.

To know more information contact TREECO.

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