Disorders affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems damper quality of life through symptoms like shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and fluid build-up. It’s at this point that a physician might initiate a stress test on the patient using a monitor holter, a portable, electrocardiography device that keeps tabs on the heart’s electrical activity for at least 24 hours.
The Doctor’s Orders
If a patient has a history of cardiovascular issues, tests may be extended to 48 or even 72 hours. The small, portable device is so small as not to get in the way of everyday pursuits. It clips near the beltloops, and the leads are attached directly to the chest. Patients are advised not to shower or perform any actions which would interfere with the quality of the portable monitor holter. It’s also best for patients to record any changes in their state of being during the test.
Wearing the Monitor
Before placing the electrodes on the patient, the skin is first rubbed with alcohol. Cardiologists use the data from the leads and information written in the patient’s diary to make informed decisions. The patient is sent home to wear the monitor for however long is determined. They will then bring it back into the doctor’s office, and wait for the results. Typically, it takes around two weeks to hear back.
Heart monitors reveal issues ranging from minor to major. Continuous testing over an extended period of time is one of the quickest ways of diagnosing heart issues.