Do you need to find a holy place offering cremation near Hayward, CA? Crematory practices have been accepted by Catholic doctrine for more than 50 years. However, traditional burial rights are still the preferred method of remembrance, following Christ. As he was entombed, so should be the deceased. Typically, the church prefers if the body remains intact until after the vigil.
They cremate the body following the services, presenting the family with the remains. Yet, it is possible to perform a funeral service using cremated remains today. Since the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, Catholicism recommends uniting the ashes as a whole. Then, families may bury their deceased’s remains among consecrated grounds, interring them. These Catholic cemeteries operate as places of remembrance, divinity, and hope.
Catholic Funeral Services
Catholic funeral services follow a procession, memorializing and grieving those lost. At first, they hold the vigil, which is a time for family and friends to lend support. These services occur at the parish church or funeral home. Remembering a treasured life is done through prayer, scripture, song, and story. Now is the time for loved ones to put their faith in the promise of eternal life. Next, the funeral mass is the principal celebration during Catholic funerals. Family and friends reaffirm that life has not ended, only transformed. This is performed while the body is present and apparent. Finally, the commital is the time of interment, following a short invitation of prayer.
Contact Holy Sepulchre Cemetery to learn more.