Recovery Tips for After Transman Bottom Surgery

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Transgender Surgeons

Sometimes, people need to undergo more than one or two transition-related surgeries. If you’re facing more than one surgery, discussing the recovery process with your surgeon, primary care physician, and mental health professional is essential. You’ll want the recovery process to be successful and go as smoothly as possible. Here are a few tips to help you recover following a transman bottom surgery.

Prepare a Recovery Area

Before your surgery, set up a recovery area. Consider what items you’ll need nearby, whether you will be resting on the couch or in a bed. You may need some help getting in or out of bed at first. Make sure to get the pillows you prefer, bed loungers, and neck pillows you’ll need to be comfortable while you recover from transman bottom surgery.

Ask for Help When You Need It

Many people are independent, and asking for help is difficult for them. For at least a couple of days following the procedure, expect to ask for help. You’ll need care around the clock, whether from a friend, parent, partner, or roommate. You may need help dressing or preparing food for a couple of days.

Take Your Time Getting Back to Moving

Your surgeon can recommend when and how to regain mobility following your procedure. Stretching the lower body and walking can help prevent blood clots when you feel like you can.

If you are considering transman bottom surgery, visit International Center for Transgender Care to schedule a consult.

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