Reflective safety vests, prevent accidents and save lives. When you are driving along the highway, and construction workers are walking beside the speeding traffic, a bright yellow or orange vest will stand out. Your eye will be drawn to the color, you will slow down in response and a potential accident can be avoided. At night the reflective vests will let you know someone is there, before you actually see the person. On construction sites, there are a lot of distractions, moving equipment, building materials and large objects that can obstruct your view. If someone has on a brightly colored vest, they will stand out against the materials.
If you are a person that likes to walk your dog, wearing a reflective safety vests can alert drivers to your presence. Sometimes, when the day is ending, the light can make everything look the same for a brief moment. The colors blend in and movements seem muted, it only takes a brief second for someone to take their eyes off the road and miss you and your pet. Wearing orange or reflective yellow will trigger a minor defensive reaction making the driver more aware. If you are an evening walker, wearing lightly colored clothing is a good idea, but even better is wearing reflective safety vests to catch the street lights and headlights of passing motor vehicles. If you have ever noticed the little reflectors on a persons shoes when they are walking at night, or the reflective poles put up to mark driveways, you know they are effective. Imagine, how effective it would be if you had on a vest that did that times ten.
In large do-it-yourself box stores, where forklifts often move pallets of merchandise, the employees often wear a safety vest when around the moving equipment. It also helps the consumer locate store personnel more easily. Safety vests are not just for construction workers, or people working in and near traffic. They can be worn by anyone that needs to be noticed. You can find a wide assortment of vests at ViewBriteSafetyProducts. When safety is a number one priority, wearing one of these vests could save your life.