A Catalog Printing Company Can Help You Increase Customer Sales

by | Nov 19, 2014 | Computer & Internet

When you know that your company’s product or service is top-notch, you want to find a superior way to tell the world about it. Marketing is such an important part of a company’s success and growth, but it can be difficult to determine which combination of marketing strategies will work best for your business’ industry and your niche market. Catalogs are often a valuable piece of the marketing puzzle for modern companies. This article provides information about the value of the services that a catalog printing company can provide.

Benefits of Catalogs
Placing a product in catalogs is one of the most effective ways to sell the item for several reasons. First, about 50 percent of consumers use both the Internet and catalogs to shop. Customers who get catalogs in the mail have a greater chance of becoming frequent online buyers; in fact, they account for about 15 percent more transactions. In addition, these customers will spend 16 percent more on average than will customers who didn’t get catalogs.

Other Catalog Advantages
When you focus only on doing online marketing, you are leaving out a significant sector of your base of potential customers. There are some consumers who prefer to have hard-copy catalogs for reviewing items before purchasing them. More than 160 million people made catalog purchases within the past year, and catalog shoppers typically place an estimated 11 orders each year, so catalog marketing continues to be a popular way to draw business.

Additional Information
Catalogs are powerful venues for simply letting consumers know about the goods you offer. Potential customers simply aren’t going to buy your products if they know nothing about them. It’s also important to note that catalogs are just as beneficial for the small startup as it is for the large corporation. This is because people usually judge products on the merits of the product rather than on the manufacturer’s reputation. However, having a catalog created by a reputable catalog printing company instantly gives your business credibility and makes it look like a professional and competent resource. Catalogs truly can propel a company of any size toward success.

Arandell can print quality catalogs for your company. To find out more about the company’s printing services, visit Catalog printing and Direct Marketing Company.

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