A Couple Of Questions Homeowners Might Have Concerning Carpet Cleaning in Virginia Beach Va

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Carpet

Carpet can dramatically improve the comfort inside a home, but it is a fact of life that carpet can be more maintenance intensive than other flooring options. Not surprisingly, there are some homeowners that might not be particularly well-informed about how to go about protecting their carpet. For those that are struggling with carpet cleaning in Virginia Beach VA, considering the answers to a couple of basic questions may prove to be useful.

How Can Carpet Be Protected Against Stains?

Staining is an issue that can devastate the appearance of carpet, but many homeowners are unaware that it is possible to protect carpet fibers from this issue. While it may prove to be impossible to completely eliminate the risk of accidental spills, there are steps homeowners can take to prevent spills from absorbing into the carpet fibers.

This is done by applying a protective coat to the carpet fibers. This coat will stop the liquid from being able to seep into the fibers and deposit pigments. However, these coats must be reapplied annually to ensure that the carpet is protected from this threat.

What Can Be Done To Eliminate Foul Smells From Carpet?

In addition to stains, foul smells absorbing into the carpet fibers can be another issue for homeowners to address. Unfortunately, this problem is unavoidable, but it can be corrected by having the carpet deep cleaned. This will involve injecting heated water or steam into the carpet fibers to loosen any substances that may be lodged between the fibers. Once this is done, a high-powered vacuum is used to remove the excess water from the carpet. By having this type of cleaning done at least twice a year, homeowners can avoid having foul-smelling carpet.

There are many homeowners that struggle with carpet cleaning in Virginia Beach Va. Considering the prominence of carpet and its expense, it should come as no surprise that homeowners want to make sure this investment lasts. Being informed about the steps that can be done to minimize the risk of staining as well as how to remove foul smells from the carpet can help homeowners to get more from their carpets.

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