A Defendant Out on Bail Skips Court in Peoria, AZ – What Happens Next?

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Bail Bonds

A Defendant Out on Bail Skips Court in Peoria, AZ – What Happens Next?
After the arrest of most modern defendants, they’re offered a chance to leave jail until their cases have run the full length of court proceedings. This is done by posting bail, defined as loaning money to the court with an agreement to appear at court dates in the future. What happens when people who are on bail miss court?

Rescheduling Could Happen
People viewed favorably by courts, especially those who have minor, common charges pending, are most likely to have their court appointments rescheduled. They can’t do this regularly without facing more serious consequences, though decisions are ultimately up to judges. People who also provide documentation to support the reasons they say they need to miss court for, as well as who try to talk to court clerks weeks in advance, are also more likely to have appointments rescheduled. People who got an affordable bail bonds company in Peoria AZ, to post bail for them are most likely to simply have appointments rescheduled, though almost alwaysonly once.

Fines May Be in Order
Courts don’t want people to miss court dates. If people feel like they can miss court dates, they might not take punishment seriously. For people with short records, lofty reputations, community ties, and public records chock full of responsibility, courts are more likely to issue fines as opposed to more severe punishments.

Bond Revocation May Happen
Bond revocation leaves defendants ineligible to receive the money they posted bail with. Defendants who posted bail with help from a bail bonds company in Peoria, AZ, may face lawsuits. They also may face harsher scrutiny from judges, juries, and prosecutors going forward. Revocation comes about by courts issuing warrants for defendants’ arrest, though warrants may not always be issued so that defendants are more likely to appear at court the next possible date, upon which they’re taken into custody.

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