A Squirrel Removal in Columbus OH Can Remove a Major Threat from Your Property

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Animal Removal

Unfortunately, many property owners are under the mistaken impression that squirrels are nothing but cute woodland creatures, which don’t pose any great threat of harm to their property. Team of squirrel removal in Columbus OH knows better.

After years on the job, any veteran exterminator will tell you that in fact, squirrels are menaces that pose a real danger to your property and should be dealt with as swiftly as possible. As soon as you notice that you have a squirrel issue at your home or business, you should immediately get in touch with a Columbus OH squirrel removal service, and ask them to rid your property of all traces of squirrels.

Still not convinced that squirrels are a real threat? Here are just a few examples of the problems that they can cause:

1. Damage to Walls and Pipes

Although you have a great respect for the integrity of your property, the extermination experts can tell you that squirrels do not. These meddlesome little creatures have a terrible way of getting into every crack and crevice of your home. And once they are in, there is no limit the damage that they can cause. They can chew on your insulation, create cracks and holes in your pipes, and do damage to the walls that requires that you replace parts of them in their entirety. In just a few short days, squirrels can easily do damage that will cost you thousands of dollars to repair. By contrast, squirrel removal services are quite inexpensive. Look for a company that specializes in squirrel removal in Columbus OH, and have them come to your property to assess the situation and the best way to address it as soon as you notice squirrels hanging around.

2. Vectors of Disease

Many people are so accustomed to seeing squirrels in their everyday lives that they do not appreciate the health threat that these little creatures can pose. This is a major oversight, because squirrels carry diseases that are extremely dangerous to humans. We humans and squirrels are mammals. In the grand scheme of things, our biology and immune systems are extremely similar. Accordingly, it is very easy for disease carried by a squirrel to make the jump to nearby human populations. This can happen in a number of unexpected and seemingly innocuous ways. For example, a child making contact with the same surfaces as a squirrel while playing on a jungle gym is at risk. To make sure that nothing happens to you or your loved ones, because of the health threats of squirrels, contact The Wildlife Control Company, Inc once and ask what you can do to rid your property of these diseased creatures.

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