Almost everyone in America has had acne to some degree during their adolescent and young adult years. While most people only have mild acne problems, some may have had acne so severe that their skin is marred with acne scars. Acne is embarrassing enough for most people, but those with acne scars may be ashamed of how they look and experience low self-esteem because of the scarring. Fortunately, there are laser procedures that can help reduce acne scarring and rejuvenate the skin of those who have experienced scarring.
Contrary to popular belief, acne isn’t caused by what the type of food that is eaten or how clean skin may be. While using skin scrubs and reducing the intake of fatty and/or fried foods can help reduce outbreaks, acne is caused by bacteria that grows in the pores. Until the bacteria are treated, outbreaks will continue to happen, despite any other measures taken. The FDA approved laser treatments used for acne scar removal in Tucson are designed to kill the bacteria that cause acne problems.
The lasers used in these procedures are able to get down deep into the pores to get to and kill the active bacteria that causes acne. Some laser treatments used to help reduce or eliminate acne scars show can show results in little as 24 to 48 hours. The Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Tucson can reduce redness caused by acne outbreaks and it can dry out and flatten blemishes as well. Those who have moderate to severe scarring from acne will experience improvement with two to four laser treatments.
Those who used an Acne Scar Removal Treatment experienced more improvement with it than most topical medications that they tried. The laser treatments showed a clearance rate of up to 75% over most topical or oral acne medicines. For those who have embarrassing acne scars, the clearance rate gives them the hope of having acne free, smooth skin again, which can help them regain their self-esteem. To learn more about how these laser treatments work, those who are interested should contact a dermatologist who uses laser treatments in their practice.